
the Story of SCRVY and why SCRVY is better

SCRVY founder Artist/Engineer Leifur Thor was fascinated with the potential of cryptocurrency but found it an early version of what could be a better thing. There was blockchain technology, yet once banks became involved the blockchain advantage dissolved. Wild market fluctuations have made cryptocurrency more like high risk stocks. The more cryptocurrency becomes like money, the fewer advantages it holds.


NFTs were born, a brilliant way for artists to reclaim ownership to their art. But over-speculation and value held in cryptocurrency have made NFTs another fringe version of cryptocurrency.


Could there be a better product? That answer is always yes, improvement is always possible.


Not knowing what it might look like, could an investment be created that was-


Impervious to inflation

Impervious to destruction

Impervious to corruption

Impervious to market speculation


The short answer is no. Every investment product known to man can fail, making all investment products carrying a variable of risk. But could an attempt be made to improve on what exists now?


SCRVY is one such possibility. It isn’t cryptocurrency, it’s Fine Art. This makes SCRVY a tax haven, and a tax write off. Even NFTs are not a tax write off, including if the NFT tanks.


SCRVY – Value in dollars, comes with tax advantages


Cryptocurrency – Value in cryptocurrency, has no tax advantage


NFT – Value in cryptocurrency, no tax advantage


Could further stability be applied to SCRVY, so that no matter the inflation, SCRVY could remain a stable investment product over time, and the answer is yes. Because artists have full control over what they charge for their art, by applying the simple mathematical formula to all SCRVY sales each year, the price of new SCRVY is the % of the prior year’s inflation, plus an annual 15% increase in it’s art value. In addition, Fine Art historically has been a very solid investment with the only downside potential physical destruction. SCRVY is a unique digital Fine Art Collectible Investment that lives in the cloud, always accessible anywhere there’s internet. It can not be destroyed.


Could further security be applied to eliminate theft or potential for pirating, and the answer is yes. Animating and numbering each SCRVY, along with it’s certificate of ownership (block chain code attached), and the ledger of SCRVY ownership kept secure by the artist makes for a robust product.


Like NFTs SCRVY can be copied infinitely, but the owner will remain the one and only owner, and by SCRVYs individual numbering system, and that it’s animated, piracy becomes a mute point, for you can only buy SCRVY from the artist alone. Any transfers of ownership to be legitimate must go through the artist’s ledger for a nominal fee of $10.

And that is the story of SCRVY. Get yourself some SCRVY or give the unique investment gift of SCRVY to a friend or loved one today, because everyone needs a little SCRVY in their lives!

The Artist's Statement

"The Artist's role in society is observer. To observe, and reflect back on society what they see.

SCRVY is as much a statement about our perception about value, as it is a product of value."

-Leifur Thor